sem'base (Semantic Knowledge Base) was a accompanying measure to FIT-IT (Program splint "Semantic Systems"), a initiative federal ministry for communication, innovation, and technology. sem'base has set their sights on the visibility of increasing semantic technology and at your service. For all work it could create consciousness over potential and the advantage of semantic technology. Addressed were researchers, businesses, and the general public. The results of the project and a range of contributions to academics and users were publicized in book form:
Semantic Technologies Showcase - The Austrian Situation.
Additional operations from factline within the sem'base were: - Implementation of a Semantic MediaWiki: Semantic MediaWiki - The Art Project "LIVING SEMANTICS" by European Forum Alpbach 2006: Living Semantics - Layout and support of the Project Communication Platform ( Projektplattform)
sem'base ran til the end of November 2006. Partners of the Projects were in consutling, the Semantic Web school, factline and Know-Center in Gray, Austria.

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